Bringing meaning to the Fourth of July: The story of the Bay Village Volunteer Militia
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Left to right: Bob Finicle, David Bryant, John P. Harmon (kneeling), Daniel Warnke, Doug Hansen and George V. Woodling Jr. Photo courtesy Bob Finicle
Major Karl S. Holdaway inspects the musket of Bob Finicle as Bay Village Mayor Henry P. Reese looks on. From the Marine News, June 1970. Photo courtesy Bob Finicle
Bob Finicle barks orders to (left to right) Charles Herrmann, Doug Hansen and William Whittemore. Photo by John Kenney
Daniel Warnke gives the signal with, left to right: Mark Totten, Dan Warnke Jr. (in coonskin cap), John Zipp? (in front of left wheel), Rhonda and Arthur Totten at right wheel. Bob Finicle and Marilyn Zipp at far right. Photo courtesy Bob Finicle
Captured! Left to right: Dan Warnke, Jr., Bob Finicle, Mark Totten and his father Arthur. The two figures in the back are unidentified. Photo by Norbert J. Yassanye
Members of the Bay Village Volunteer Militia fire their muskets. Photo courtesy Bob Finicle
Left to right: Gretchen Warnke, Christal (Chris) Finicle (third from left), Kristin Warnke, baby Eric Warnke, Marilyn Finicle and Donna Warnke. Daniel Warnke Sr. stands in uniform in the background. Photo by the U.S. Marine Corps.