Upcoming programs at Bay Village Branch Library
Storytimes: Caregivers and their children are invited to enjoy rhymes, songs, fingerplays, books and stories together. No registration is required.
Mondays (10 a.m.) Family Storytime – for all ages
Tuesdays (10 a.m.) Toddler Storytime – ages 19-35 months
Wednesdays (10 a.m.) Baby and Me Storytime – ages birth-18 months
Thursdays (10 a.m.) Preschool Storytime – ages 3-5 (not yet in kindergarten)
This summer – on Fridays at noon – join us for Stories on the Porch. Bring a blanket and enjoy stories on the front porch and then chalk the walk. Feel free to bring a picnic lunch or visit Food Truck Friday. Weather permitting.
On Thursday, June 29, at 7 p.m. Author Vince Guerrieri will present some of the “only in Cleveland” moments and characters from our Cleveland sports history. Based on his newest book, "Weird Moments in Cleveland Sports: Bottlegate, Bedbugs, and Burying the Pennant – and More!," he'll have some interesting stories to share. A book signing will follow the event. Please register to attend this program online at cuyahogalibrary.org, call us at 440-871-6392, or stop in to the library at 27400 Wolf Road and register with a librarian.
Don't forget to utilize the Bay Village branch library for all your summer reading needs. Enroll in our summer reading program, "All Together Now" and mark your minutes read to be eligible for prizes.
Tara McGuinness
CCPL - Bay Village Branch, Adult Reference Staff