Westlake in Bloom competition now open
Westlake residents, businesses and institutions are invited to celebrate the beautiful gardens and landscapes of Westlake by entering the Westlake in Bloom competition. Entry forms may be downloaded from the City’s website at www.cityofwestlake.org or picked up at the Westlake City Hall, Recreation Center, Community Services Center, Porter Library, or these Westlake garden centers: Cahoon Nursery, Dean’s Greenhouse, and Gale’s Westlake Garden Center.
Completed entry forms may be dropped off at the reception desk at City Hall, emailed to planning@cityofwestlake.org or mailed to: City of Westlake, Westlake in Bloom, 27700 Hilliard Blvd., Westlake, OH 44145.
The deadline for entering is Friday, June 30, at 5 p.m. with judging the week of July 10. There is no fee to enter and everyone who places will receive an invitation to the Westlake in Bloom Awards Ceremony, on Tuesday, Aug. 8, at the Westlake Community Services Center auditorium.
Jim Bedell
City of Westlake Director of Planning and Economic Development