Bay heath expo offers info, screenings for local seniors

Registered nurses Amy Ockunzzi and Marian Buzzard from UH St. John Medical Center were among the medical practitioners offering free health screenings at the Bay Village Senior Center. Photo by Tara Wendell

Seniors from across Bay Village and surrounding communities crowded into the Dwyer Memorial Senior Center on Aug. 11 for the Bay Community Services Department’s annual Senior Living & Health Expo.

Featuring 20 vendors representing area senior living facilities and home care organizations, as well as free medical screenings, the expo offered an abundance of health-related information and services.  

The event was a win-win for attendees as well as the senior center, which raised $600 from vendor fees to support activities and transportation for older adults, and outreach services for those in need.

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Volume 15, Issue 15, Posted 9:37 AM, 08.15.2023