Family fun at Bay United Methodist

Church and community members celebrate Rally Day last year.

On Sunday, Sept. 10, Bay United Methodist Church will host its annual Rally Day after the 10 a.m. worship service. Rally Day marks the first day of yearly programming as classes and activities resume at the church after summer vacations.

Rally Day festivities will include lunch under a tent on the front lawn, with the menu consisting of chicken, salads, and watermelon. Families are welcome, as children and adults enjoy intergenerational games and tournaments.

During worship, the Chancel Choir will be back under the direction of Ron Muth after their summer hiatus. Tami Clark, Director of Children’s and Youth Ministries, has a variety of worship and learning experiences planned for Rally Day as Sunday School returns. Adult Sunday School begins the next week on Sunday, Sept. 17.

Senior pastor, Rev. Lisa Kropinak, invites all individuals and families from the area to attend Rally Day.

“Moving into this new year, our traditional offerings start again, offerings like Bible studies, choir, and mission opportunities, as well as some new programming including GriefShare, a weekly healing session for those dealing with loss,” said Rev. Kropinak.

Other groups will also kick off their meetings and gatherings at the church, including Boy Scouts, Alcoholics Anonymous, Al-Anon, and Kiwanis.

Mark your calendars for Rally Day on Sunday, Sept. 10. Worship takes place at 10 a.m., with the picnic and family fun immediately following. For more information, go to

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Volume 15, Issue 15, Posted 9:38 AM, 08.15.2023