Meet the Candidates, Bay Village Ward 1: Dave Long
I was tired of sitting on the sidelines claiming to be a social media activist. I knew I felt strongly about certain issues, but just "liking" and sharing social media posts wasn’t going to be enough to get the things done that I wanted for my community. I decided to push myself outside my comfort zone and actually do something that would bring about change.
Since I began circulating my neighborhood collecting enough petition signatures to get my name on the ballot, things have been ramping up relatively quickly. My first endorsement was by the Cleveland Stonewall Democrats for our shared values in support of the LGBTQIA+ community. My second endorsement came from the Ohio Environmental Council based on the ideas and concerns we share regarding cleaner air, cleaner water and renewable energy efforts.
My latest endorsement is from the UAW Northeast Ohio Community Action Program Council for our shared stance on protecting organized labor’s right to strike for better paying jobs and more favorable working conditions. In addition to being endorsed by the Bay Village Democratic Club, I’ve also been endorsed by the Cuyahoga County Democratic Party. Post cards will be hitting ward 1 mailboxes soon which have been paid for by the Ohio Democratic Party.
My first order of business after winning the election is to address our city’s outdated storm drain system. I also feel more needs to be done to hold real estate developers accountable for their impact on the infrastructure associated with the tearing down of smaller houses to construct giant mini-mansions upon tiny plots of land that are not suitable for such structures.
I grew up in Bay, I know how special it is. I graduated from Bay High, married another Bay High grad and we have 3 kids in the Bay school system.