BHS students trained as Election Day poll workers

Eleven Bay High School seniors were trained as poll workers as part of the Future of Democracy program.
Eleven Bay High School seniors participated in the Future of Democracy Student Poll Worker Program last month. They were trained by the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections. These students worked the polls during the Nov. 7 election.
Bay High School Principal Jason Martin heard about the Future of Democracy initiative and brought it to the attention of the high school’s Social Studies Department Chair Robert Grossman, who was eager to share it with upperclassmen.
"The opportunity to give 17- and 18-year-olds a chance to learn how elections work made so much sense to me,” said Grossman. “If we teach new voters how democracy functions, they will, hopefully, continue to participate for a lifetime."
The student poll worker program is not only a great opportunity for student civic participation, but it also bridges generational gaps.
Karen Misciagna
Karen Misciagna is the director of communications for Bay Village Schools.