Holiday Caring & Sharing program returns to Bay Village
The holiday season brings happiness and cheer, but also brings financial stress to many families in our community. The Holiday Caring & Sharing Programis an annual Bay Village tradition to help families in need by providing gift cards or financial assistance.
How YOU Can Help:
By Dec. 15, please donate cash or check to the Emergency Fund, which provides limited assistance for Bay residents experiencing an emergency (critical need for medical care, food, shelter, protection, special counseling, and under some circumstances, assistance with utilities). Or, donate gift cards for a family in need (Heinen’s, Giant Eagle, Walmart, Target and Amazon are recommended) that will help them purchase holiday gifts for children in their household under age 18.
Donations can be mailed in or dropped off to the Bay Village Community Services/Senior Center at 300 Bryson Lane.
If YOU Need Assistance:
Please contact the Community Services Department at 440-899-3442 or stop in the Bay Village Community Services/Senior Center to pick up an application. This program is set up to be utilized by Bay Village families and individuals facing but not limited to the following challenges: Residents (one or both spouses) who have been or are currently out of work, residents experiencing financial hardships or on fixed incomes, or families referred by Bay Family Services or local churches. To be eligible for the program, applicants must reside in the city of Bay Village.
For more information, please contact the Community Services Department at 440-899-3442.