Westlake Historical Society to place holiday wreaths at local cemeteries

Several years ago the Westlake Historical Society began
placing wreaths on the graves of founding and pioneer
citizens of early Dover (now Westlake). We are extending
the opportunity for you, your family, organization, group or
business to sponsor a holiday wreath this year.
Volunteers from the Westlake Historical Society will place
wreaths on graves within Westshore communities throughout the holiday season.
The suggested donation is $25 per wreath, and benefits our children's outreach programs.
If you would like to sponsor a holiday wreath, please contact Mila at the historical society at 216-848-0680. Please send wreath placement information and your check (made out to Westlake Historical Society) to our mailing address at Westlake Historical Society - Wreaths, 1371-A Clague Road, Westlake, Ohio 44145. Orders can also be placed online at www.westlakeohiohistory.org.
Mayor Clough To Be Guest Host At Clague House
The Clague House Museum will be open for tours on Sunday, Nov. 12, from 2-4 p.m. Our guest tour guide will be Westlake Mayor Dennis Clough. The museum is located at 1371 Clague Road.
Stop by to learn about the history of Dover and now Westlake! For more information call 216-848-0680.