Bay Village Garden Club creates 'Enchanted Forest' wreath

BVGC President Erika Mittermeier with the club's Enchanted Forest wreath.

The Cleveland Botanical Garden’s "Frost: An Ice-Capped Garden Experience" features colorful, magical frozen winter landscapes. The show runs through Dec. 31 so you still have an opportunity to enjoy the many festive displays.

When you go, please take time to enjoy the Bay Village Garden Club entry, "Enchanted Forest," created by BVGC President Erika Mittermeier. The wreath is adorned with shimmering emerald green peacocks, pale green iridescent hummingbirds, and golden glistening snowflakes. 

Erika chose fanciful peacocks as a focal point because this year Frost features animals with a touch of fantasy. Botanical elements are also incorporated – emerald green velvet poinsettias, gold apples sparkling with ice crystals, gold pinecones, pearlescent grapes, and gold ivy.

Botanical Garden’s Frost has been two years in the making. There are 500 poinsettias on display as well as dazzling lighting in the outdoor gardens. Advance tickets are recommended. Check online at for details on ticket prices and show times. Enjoy the show!

Julie Feagler

Julie Feagler with Erika Mittermeier

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Volume 15, Issue 23, Posted 9:44 AM, 12.19.2023