I am saddened to hear my favorite newspaper, the Westlake | Bay Village Observer, will no longer be published. I began my journey with the Observer in October 2009. I was new to Bay Village and so was the Observer.
For several years I contributed to the paper through my column, One Senior's Opinion. I enjoyed writing the column.
Now, 14 years later, many things have changed. Our country is finally recovering from life with Covid, prices have gone up causing many families to struggle financially. No longer is the front porch a peaceful place to spend a summer evening. It has become a convenient drop-off for Amazon and other deliveries.
With life changing so rapidly there are fewer and fewer constants, those things we can rely on, links to the past and present. For me, the Observer was a constant in my life. Some might say, "Are you kidding me?" but as a senior citizen it gets more difficult to get out and about each new year.
The Observer was a connection to the community for me. I enjoyed the columns, especially Jeff Bing's sports column. I kept up with what was going on around town. I will truly miss it.
I want to express my thanks to Denny and Tara Wendell and all those who worked so diligently to get the Observer out, twice every month. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to write for the Observer. So to all those affiliated with the paper, I wish you luck and happiness. It was fun. Thanks for the memories!