Westlake Porter Public Library's February calendar of events
Following is Westlake Porter Public Library’s January 2024 calendar of events. All programs are subject to change. Please check westlakelibrary.org or follow the library on Facebook and Instagram (@WestlakePorter) for the latest updates.
Thursday, Feb. 1 (1-2:30 p.m.) Did You Know You Speak Latin? Part II: Abbreviations, Mottos & Derivations – Examine English words and trace their Latin origins and derivations. No prior Latin knowledge required. This is the second in a series of six classes. Attend all or some. Please register.
Thursday, Feb. 1 (1-7 p.m.) American Red Cross Bloodmobile
Friday, Feb. 2 (10:30-11:15 a.m.) and Thursday, Feb. 8 (6:30-7:15 p.m.) Adapted Storytime – Join us for this storytime designed for children who may not be successful in a typical storytime. Content is geared toward ages 3-7. Registration begins one week before each session.
Friday, Feb. 2 (4-4:30 p.m.) Read It, Make It @ the Library – We will read one story then make a craft based on that story. For children ages 4-7. Siblings welcome.
Saturday, Feb. 3 (10:30-11 a.m.) and Wednesday, Feb. 7 (7-7:30 p.m.) Family Storytime – Join us for rhymes, songs and play! Children are welcome to wear their pajamas and bring along a stuffed animal to the Wednesday evening session! Ages 2-6 with a caregiver.
Saturday, Feb. 3 (1-2 p.m.) Pokémon Fun! – Join Miss Rachel for a time to view and trade cards, do a craft (if desired), and play a Pokémon Bingo game. Feel free to bring your cards! Ages 6-11.
Saturday, Feb. 3 (3-4:30 p.m.) World Hijab Day – Join us for a panel discussion celebrating World Hijab Day presented by the West Cleveland Muslim Association. Get a taste of fashion and food as you explore the beauty of Hijab and culture. Please register.
Sunday, Feb. 4 (2-4 p.m.) Anime Club – A great club for anime and manga lovers! All otaku and newbies welcome! Grades 7-adult.
Sunday, Feb. 4 (2-4 p.m.) First-Time Voter Toolkit – Did you know that if you will be 18 on or by Nov. 5, 2024, you can register to vote now? The League of Women Voters of Greater Cleveland will help you become an engaged, informed, and confident voter with essential information needed for casting your first ballot. For those unable to attend, a grab and go bag will be available starting Feb. 1 (while supplies last).
Sunday, Feb. 4 (2-3 p.m.) Brick Builders – Do you love Legos? Bring your ideas and imagination to Brick Builders! Bricks provided. No registration required, but room capacity is limited. First come, first served. Ages 5-12.
Monday, Feb. 5 (9 a.m.-9 p.m.) Teen Craft Pick-Up – For teens in grades 7-12. Register starting Jan. 29, then stop by and pick up your craft kit starting Feb. 4.
Monday, Feb. 5 (3-5 p.m.) Teen Lounge – Need a place to hang after school? Come to WPPL's Teen Lounge on Monday afternoons! Video games, board games, snacks and more!
Tuesday, Feb. 6 (10-11:30 a.m.) Microsoft Word – Learn the basics of Microsoft Word and how to access Northstar Digital Literacy for self-paced online learning. Registration begins Jan. 30.
Tuesday, Feb. 6 (6:30-8 p.m.) Jewelry Junction: Valentine Red Crystal Bracelet with Charm – Celebrate Valentine’s Day by making a beautiful red crystal bracelet with heart charm. Registration begins Jan. 30.
Tuesday, Feb. 6 (7-8:30 p.m.) World at War Forum: MacArthur in Japan After WWII – Judge William Vodrey will discuss General Douglas MacArthur’s role as Supreme Commander for the Allied Forces in Japan’s postwar reconstruction and governance. Please register.
Tuesday, Feb. 6 (7-8 p.m.) Bicycle Friendly Drivers – Learn about how and why bicyclists travel the roadways in the ways they do to develop a shared understanding for all users in this interactive program. Drivers and soon-to-be drivers welcome. This program will be led by an instructor trained by the League of American Bicyclists on how to educate individuals who bike and drive to safely share the road.
Wednesday, Feb. 7 (2-4 p.m.) Discover Your Roots: Learn the Basics of Ancestry Library Edition – Did you know that you can use Ancestry.com in the library free of charge? Find family photos, immigration records, census records and much much more! If you are new to genealogy research, this is a wonderful place to start. Registration begins Jan. 24.
Wednesday, Feb. 7 (6:30-8:30 p.m.) Horror Film Club – Join us for another creepy classic from the Vault! New members are welcome, but children under 13 must be with an adult. Please register.
Wednesday, Feb. 7 (6:30-8 p.m.) Makerspace Foundations: CNC Orientation – Attend an orientation to get to know the basics of using the CNC router and become a verified user of the machine. Registration begins Jan. 31.
Thursday, Feb. 8 (1-2:30 p.m.) Did You Know You Speak Latin? Part III: Abbreviations, Mottos & Derivations – Examine English words and trace their Latin origins and derivations. No prior Latin knowledge required. This is the third in a series of six classes. Attend all or some. Please register.
Thursday, Feb. 8 (4-5 p.m.) Comic Club – Explore, share, and create your own comics! For grades 2-5. Bring your favorite comic book, or a comic that you made, to share with the group. Learn some comic-making basics and bring your ideas to life! Please register.
Thursday, Feb. 8 (4-5 p.m.) Roblox Arcade (Virtual) – Join us in the Roblox Arcade! We have private servers set up for tweens in grades 4-6 to enjoy some of the most popular games. Please register.
Thursday, Feb. 8 (8-9 p.m.) Virtual Author Talk – Join us as the #1 New York Times bestselling author Tessa Bailey talks about the launch of her new super-hot sports romance duology with a rom-com about a bad boy professional athlete who falls for his biggest fan in her new book, "Fangirl Down." Streamed live. Please register.
Friday, Feb. 9 (9:30-10 a.m.) My First Valentine’s Day – Celebrate your baby’s first Valentine’s Day with a simple keepsake craft. For babies 0-18 months with a caregiver. Please register.
Saturday, Feb. 10 (10:30-11 a.m.)Family Storytime – Join us for rhymes, songs and play! Children are welcome to wear their pajamas and bring along a stuffed animal to the Wednesday evening session! Ages 2-6 with a caregiver.
Saturdays, Feb. 10 and 17 (1-2 p.m.) Ready2Read Bootcamp – We are gearing up to read! This bootcamp is designed to increase letter recognition, sight words, and vocabulary by using art, crafts, and small tasks to build fluency. Grades K-3. Please register each child individually.
Saturday, Feb. 10 (2:30-3:30 p.m.) Jewelry Crafting: Earrings & Charm Necklaces – Join us to make earrings and charm necklaces. Registration is encouraged, but drop-ins are welcome. For crafters in grades 7-12. Please register.
Sunday, Feb. 11 (1:30-3 p.m.) State of the Library Address – WPPL’s Director Andrew Mangels will discuss the library’s current status, achievements, challenges, and future plans. All are welcome to join, and there will be time for questions and comments after the presentation.
Monday, Feb. 12 (9 a.m.-9 p.m.) Fabulous February Craft Kit Pick Up – Celebrate February with some fun crafts. Space is limited. Please register. Kits will be available until Feb. 18.
Monday, Feb. 12 (3-5 p.m.) Teen Lounge – Need a place to hang after school? Come to WPPL's Teen Lounge on Monday afternoons! Video games, board games, snacks and more!
Monday, Feb. 12 (6:30-7:30 p.m.) Makerspace Foundations: Vectorization – Learn all about vectors and how you can use them in the Makerspace! Learn how to turn images into vectors using Inkscape. This is a foundational design skill that will allow you to use custom images with nearly all the Makerspace equipment. Please register.
Tuesday, Feb. 13 (6:30 p.m.-8 p.m.) Makerspace Foundations: Single Needle Embroidery Machine – Celebrate National Embroidery Month with us in the Makerspace by learning the ins and outs of our single needle embroidery machine. Please register.
Tuesday, Feb. 13 (7-8:30 p.m.) Tuesday Evening Book Club – Join the WPPL Tuesday Evening Book Club in person or on Zoom to discuss "Our Missing Hearts" by Celeste Ng. The discussion will be held in person and on Zoom simultaneously. Please register. If you register for the Zoom option, you will receive an invitation and instructions by email.
Thursday, Feb. 15 (10-11:30 a.m.) Internet and Email Basics and Safety – Learn the basics of the Internet: using email, how to stay safe online, and how to access Northstar Digital Literacy for self-paced online learning. Registration begins Feb. 8.
Thursday, Feb. 15 (1-2:30 p.m.) Did You Know You Speak Latin? Part IV: Trojan War, Ulysses’ Route Home and Founding of Rome – Examine English words and trace their Latin origins and derivations. No prior Latin knowledge required. This is the fourth in a series of six classes. Attend all or some. Please register.
Friday, Feb. 16 (4-4:45 p.m.) Fun Science Friday – Come and explore the animals that love winter and have adapted to the snow and cold. Discover different animal tracks then make some of your own. Discoveries will be made with hands-on experiments, active participation and a simple take-home project. For ages 4-6, up to kindergarten. Registration begins Feb. 9.
Saturday, Feb. 17 (10 a.m.-12:30 p.m.) SAT Practice Test – Starting in March, the SAT is going fully digital. This program will give students the chance to practice the new format ahead of taking the actual test. Computers will be provided. Bring your own calculator. Registration begins Feb. 9. A results session will take place on Feb. 24 at 10 a.m.
Saturday, Feb. 17 (2-4 p.m.) Make It, Take It! – Stop by Youth Services to complete a featured craft. While supplies last. PreK-Grade 2.
Saturday, Feb. 17 (2-4 p.m.) Women in History Presents: Sojourner Truth – To celebrate Black History Month, WPPL is proud to welcome Robin Echols Cooper with Women in History as she portrays famed African American abolitionist, women’s rights activist, and evangelist Sojourner Truth. Please register.
Saturday, Feb. 17 (3–4 p.m.) Illustration Creation – Learn about a featured illustrator then create a project inspired by their art. Grades 1-3. Registration begins Feb. 10.
Sunday, Feb. 18 (2-3 p.m.) Art Smarts – Explore some works of a well-known artist and then use what you’ve seen to create an art piece of your own. Grades 4-6. Registration begins Feb. 11.
Sunday, Feb. 18 (2:30-3:15 p.m.) Adapted Storytime – Join us for this storytime designed for children who may not be successful in a typical storytime. Content is geared toward ages 3-7. Registration begins one week before each session.
Monday, Feb. 19 (9 a.m.-9 p.m.) Spice It Up! Take Home Kit: Cloves – Sign up for a kit that will contain a sample of the featured spice, a handout with background on the spice and suggested uses, and a couple of recipes! Registration opens Feb. 12.
Monday, Feb. 19 (9 a.m.-9 p.m.) Tween Craft Kit – Register beginning Feb. 12, then stop by Youth Services starting at 9 a.m. for a Tween craft kit! For tweens in grades 5-7.
Monday, Feb. 19 (10-10:30 a.m.) Music Monday – Develop pre-reading skills with music, movement and rhythm through stories, songs and rhymes. Ages 2-6.
Monday, Feb. 19 (1-2:30 p.m.) True Crime Book Club – This month’s title is "American Demon" by Daniel Stashower. Please register.
Monday, Feb. 19 (7-8:30 p.m.) Maker Monday: Music Production with Cakewalk – Learn how to use the free Cakewalk software in our Makerspace to make music! Please register.
Tuesday, Feb. 20 (11-11:45 a.m.) Adult Stories and Crafts – Adults with disabilities are invited to laugh, sing, and listen to stories, along with a craft or a coloring page.
Tuesday, Feb. 20 (2-3 p.m.) Virtual Author Talk – Join us as we talk to New York Times bestselling author Jason Mott about his latest novel, "Hell of a Book," which goes to the heart of racism, police violence, and the hidden costs exacted upon Black Americans and America as a whole. Streamed live. Please register.
Tuesday, Feb. 20 (6-8 p.m.) Documentary Film Club: "Chisholm ‘72: Unbought & Unbossed" – Each meet-up we’ll watch a different documentary that provides a window into an area of society with a discussion of the topics afterward. For this program we are celebrating Black History Month by looking at a watershed moment in U.S. politics, the 1972 presidential campaign of Shirley Chisholm. This program is intended for those 13 years old and up.
Wednesday, Feb. 21 (2-4 p.m.) Library ebooks 101: Libby – Are you new to ebooks and digital media? Then this class is for you! Yes, the library has ebooks! Can you read them on your Kindle or iPad? Yes! You can even read them on your smart phone! Learn about the Libby app and how to search and download ebooks on your computer or device. Participants must have an email address to register. Registration begins Feb. 14.
Wednesday, Feb. 21 (2-3 p.m.) Wednesday Afternoon Book Discussion – This month’s title is "If I Survive You" by Jonathan Escoffery. A limited number of books are available for checkout at the Circulation Desk.
Wednesday, Feb. 21 (6-8:30 p.m.) Heartsaver CPR/AED – Get certified for adult, child, and infant CPR and AED. Email account required. Class led by certified instructors from UH St. John Medical Center. Please register.
Thursday, Feb. 22 (1-2:30 p.m.) Did You Know You Speak Latin? Part V: Quotes from Caesar & Other Historical Stories – Examine English words and trace their Latin origins and derivations. No prior Latin knowledge required. This is the fifth in a series of six classes. Attend all or some. Please register.
Thursday, Feb. 22 (4-5 p.m.) Roblox Arcade (Virtual) – Join us in the Roblox Arcade! We have private servers set up for tweens in grades 4-6 to enjoy some of the most popular games. Please register.
Friday, Feb. 23 (4-5 p.m.) Brick Builders – Do you love Legos? Bring your ideas and imagination to Brick Builders! Bricks provided. No registration required, but room capacity is limited. First come, first served. Ages 5-12.
Saturday, Feb. 24 (10:30-11 a.m.) Family Storytime – Join us for rhymes, songs and play! Children are welcome to wear their pajamas and bring along a stuffed animal to the Wednesday evening session! Ages 2-6 with a caregiver.
Sunday, Feb. 25 (2-3 p.m.) Come Play With Me – Open playtime for children ages 2-5 with a caring adult. Siblings welcome!
Monday, Feb. 26 (3-5 p.m.) Teen Lounge – Need a place to hang after school? Come to WPPL's Teen Lounge on Monday afternoons! Video games, board games, snacks and more!
Tuesday, Feb. 27 (9:30-9:50 a.m.) Stories and Signs – Enjoy an interactive storytime while learning a few words in sign language! Ages 0-3. Siblings welcome.
Tuesday, Feb. 27 (10-11:30 a.m.) Android Smartphone and Tablet User Group – Do you own an Android smartphone or tablet? Bring it with your questions (or tips!) to this guided user group. Please register.
Tuesday, Feb. 27 (7-8:30 p.m.) Bomb City USA: The Danny Greene Era – Dennis Sutcliffe, local historian and storyteller, joins us to discuss Danny Greene’s and John Nardi’s efforts to out muscle the Cleveland Mob, which left the city with the moniker of Bomb City USA. Please register.
Wednesday, Feb. 28 (2-3 p.m.) Virtual Author Talk: Be a Kick-Ass Boss without Losing Your Humanity – New York Times bestselling author Kim Scott will explain the "Radical Candor" feedback framework and how you can practice it on the job. Please register.
Wednesday, Feb. 28 (7-8 p.m.) Adult Creative Writing Group: Inspirational Black Poets – Creativity is more than putting pen to paper. It’s about breaking away and trying something new! This meeting will feature the work of Black poets in honor of Black History Month. Please register.
Thursday, Feb. 29 (1-2:30 p.m.) Did You Know You Speak Latin? Part VI: Clips from Ben-Hur, Cleopatra and Spartacus – Examine English words and trace their Latin origins and derivations. No prior Latin knowledge required. This is the last in a series of six classes. Attend all or some. Please register.
Thursday, Feb. 29 (6-8 p.m.) Leap Day Party – Celebrate this date which only happens once every four years with crafts, games, and more! Grades PreK-5.
To register for any of the programs, please visit westlakelibrary.org/events.
Elaine Willis
Elaine Willis is the Public Relations Associate at Westlake Porter Public Library.