Community Service
by Victor Rutkoski
A huge cooperative effort by the City of Westlake, Westlake Police Department and Westlake Kiwanis gathered supplies for victims of Hurricane Laura in Louisiana.
Bottled water, non-perishable food items, pet supplies and food, toiletries, household items and new or gently used clothing were gathered and stored at the Westlake police garage. Monetary donations were also accepted.
The accumulated supplies were moved to the Nehemiah Network Warehouse in Cleveland where they were loaded on a tractor trailer truck and shipped to Louisiana.
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Volume 12, Issue 18, Posted 10:48 AM, 09.15.2020
by diane rehor
There are special people that make the world a better place. Rick Grane, a Westlake super volunteer and recent nominee for the “Real Men Wear Pink” campaign of the American Cancer Society, is one of those people.
After experiencing a TIA (mini-stroke) last year, Rick’s tests came back all normal. Using his humor, Rick immediately insisted his doctor raise his right hand and swear to his daughter, Laura, his “police partner in crime”, Marian, and his friend Timmy, “I hereby state that Rick Grane is completely normal.”
Rick is anything but normal! There’s a reason he’s received an abundance of awards over the years including Mr. Westlake 2014, Auxiliary Policeman of the Year twice and the Fraternal Order of Police Associates (FOPA) member of the year for Ohio, to name a few.
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Volume 12, Issue 18, Posted 10:20 AM, 09.15.2020
by Diane McGregor
The Bay United Methodist Women are sponsoring a donation drive for Fill This House on Oct. 1, 3 and 4. Fill This House is a faith-based nonprofit organization dedicated to improving living conditions of local youth aging out of the foster care system. By providing household needs for the transitioning youth to independent housing, Fill This House delivers support in a manner that maintains their dignity and provides encouragement to these young adults.
The United Methodist Women will have masked volunteers in the west church parking lot at 29931 Lake Road with open trunks to accept donations on the following dates and times:
- Thursday, Oct. 1, 1-4 p.m.
- Saturday, Oct. 3, 1-4 p.m.
- Sunday, Oct. 4 after church, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
The wish list of items needed may be found on the Bay United Methodist Church website, All items should be NEW and unwrapped.
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Volume 12, Issue 18, Posted 10:22 AM, 09.15.2020
by Laurie Henrichsen
Are you looking for a way to give back to the community to make a positive difference? Hospice of the Western Reserve is seeking reception desk volunteers at Ames Family Hospice House, its hospice inpatient care center located near the intersection of Crocker and Clemens Road in Westlake.
Reception desk volunteers are the “first face of hospice” to visiting families and guests. They not only provide a friendly welcome but play a crucial role in helping the facility provide a safe and secure environment for patients, visitors and staff. During the pandemic, receptionists play an especially vital role, screening all visitors and taking temperatures. (Training for these procedures is provided.)
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Volume 12, Issue 18, Posted 10:23 AM, 09.15.2020
by Diane Frye
A decade has passed since Bay Village resident Barb Harrell first laid eyes on "Nourishing Connections," a cookbook published by Ceres Community Project of Sebastopol, California. She was intrigued and inspired by the Ceres Project’s innovative concept of using local teenage cooks to prepare nutritious meals for people in their community who are experiencing health problems. She traveled to California to find out more. This little, spiral-bound cookbook set Barb’s life on a new path.
On Sept. 24, 2010, Village Project was born with its mission to come together as a community of all ages to provide nourishing meals and extended care and service to our neighbors experiencing cancer.
Barb had no problem enlisting the help she needed to make her vision a reality. In just weeks, Bay Village embraced the fledgling Village Food Project, as it was called then, and volunteers eagerly came forward to share their time and resources with the new project.
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Volume 12, Issue 17, Posted 9:36 AM, 09.01.2020
by Victor Rutkoski
The Westlake Police Department, the City of Westlake and Westlake Kiwanis have joined together to gather donations for the victims of Hurricane Laura. They need your help to help them. They will be loading an 18-wheeler full of supplies to be taken to Louisiana to be distributed as needed. The need is great, for this is one of the most deadly storms to hit Louisiana.
Bring your donations for the victims of Hurricane Laura to the Westlake Police Garage, 27700 Hilliard Blvd., throughout the month of September. Items that are needed are: bottled water, non-perishable food items, gently used or new clothing, pet supplies and food, toiletries and household items.
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Volume 12, Issue 17, Posted 9:36 AM, 09.01.2020
by diane rehor
A series of articles that aims to inspire readers to take the risk to try something new, see the positive in life, and recognize that everyday people can make a difference by following their passions.
Inspirational people are all around us. In fact, they could be right in your own back yard. Meet my neighbor, Kate Kerlin.
“I wake up happy every morning. I know that’s a blessing,” says Kate, a Bay Village newcomer. Growing up third of nine children, living in a 1,300-square-foot Parma bungalow, life could have been perceived as chaotic. Yet, Kate says, “It was such a loving place to be. I felt blessed to be raised in a family with so much support.”
Kate’s cheerful, of-service attitude is inspiring because Kate was not dealt an easy hand. At age 41, Kate’s beloved husband passed away 42 days after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, requiring Kate to re-career to provide for her children, ages 12 to 21. Despite tragedy, Kate’s goal was not to survive but to thrive.
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Volume 12, Issue 17, Posted 9:32 AM, 09.01.2020
by Brooke ODonnell
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought changes for everyone, including organizations that serve the most vulnerable in our community. Westlake Meals on Wheels has received numerous inquiries from residents to volunteer with the non-profit meal delivery program.
One of those residents is Kendall Adams, her mom, Emily, and younger sister, Morgan. Kendall is 4 years old and started making potholders to earn spending money. Her project was so successful that her mother suggested donating some of her profits to a local charity.
The family had begun delivering meals, and Kendall immediately said, “How about the place where we go help take meals to people in their houses?” Her mother, Emily, was thrilled Kendall thought of Meals on Wheels, and saw it as a perfect fit.
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Volume 12, Issue 17, Posted 9:35 AM, 09.01.2020
by Andrew Mangels
Throughout this pandemic it has been challenging to keep up personal connections and still find ways to impact our community in a meaningful way. This has not stopped the Westlake/Bay Village Rotary Club, who meet weekly via Zoom, from continuing their support for the many local charities and international causes.
The Westlake/Bay Village Rotary Club funds their many donations and volunteer activities by holding an annual charity golf outing. This year the golf outing is Friday, Oct. 9, at the Mallard Creek Golf Club in Columbia Station. The event includes greens fees, cart, box lunch, beer/soda/water, prizes, awards, and a complete clambake dinner.
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Volume 12, Issue 17, Posted 11:00 AM, 09.01.2020
by diane rehor
Third in a series of articles that aims to inspire readers to take the risk to try something new, see the positive in life, and recognize that everyday people can make a difference by following their passions.
The Bay Village Green Team is a 100% volunteer-operated non-profit organization founded in 2007. Its vision is for Bay Village to become a model sustainable community. This means "passing on the world in as good as or better condition as was handed on to us,” says Patrick McGannon, president of the Green Team.
“I was always geared toward the natural world,” he says. “Growing up in Bay, you could find me outside playing in the woods and biking the neighborhood with friends.”
Patrick started out as a pre-med student at John Carroll University, but changed plans during the last semester of college. Instead, he added courses that focused on the environment and graduated with a degree in biology.
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Volume 12, Issue 16, Posted 9:33 AM, 08.18.2020
by Karla Mussulin
While social distancing outdoors, the board of the Bay Village Garden Club gathered to welcome our two new co-presidents, Holly Colleran and Eileen Ernst. Both Holly and Eileen are Master Gardeners and are active in various community activities. Little did they know what the future held when they agreed to become co-presidents back in March. Due to the virus many of our activities programs and field trips have been postponed until future notice.
In the interest of the safety and health of our volunteers and participants, the board has made the difficult decision to cancel our Holiday Greening Workshop for 2020. We do not want to potentially expose anyone to the virus and since it is not possible, due to space, to socially distance during the workshops it is necessary to cancel the 38th annual Greening. We thank all those who have supported our only fundraiser in the past and we look forward to seeing you in 2021.
Stay healthy and keep gardening!
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Volume 12, Issue 16, Posted 9:18 AM, 08.18.2020
by Trisha Reiter
During our summer camp and throughout the year at Bethesda Childcare Center in Bay Village, we do various community service projects for different causes. We do these projects to encourage the children to think about the world around them, while increasing self-confidence and providing a sense of purpose.
In the past, we have sold lemonade as part of Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation, raised money to adopt an animal at the Lake Erie Nature & Science Center, did a Trike-a-thon for St. Jude's, had a bake sale to support Multiple Sclerosis, and also do a Blessing Bag project in December.
On Friday, July 24, we had a car wash to raise money for Lucky Paws Cat Rescue and Golden Treasures, raising $750. Lucky Paws Cat Rescue is a small, foster home based, non-profit organization. They rescue animals from situations that are abusive, endangering, or neglectful. They provide foster care and medical care for the rescued animals and find them responsible pet owners to adopt and care for these animals.
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Volume 12, Issue 15, Posted 9:50 AM, 08.04.2020
by Victor Rutkoski
The Westlake Kiwanis and the Westlake Town Criers joined forces in donating to the Westlake Fire Department purchase smoke detectors. The donation of $250 each was to help the Westlake Fire Department provide smoke detectors for qualifying families.
To qualify, you must: live in the city of Westlake; own and live in your home; and live on a low income, are a senior citizen or are disabled. To request installation of smoke alarms in your home, call the Westlake Fire Prevention Division at 440-835-6422, Westlake Fire Department at 440-871-3441, or Community Services’ outreach coordinator at 440-899-3544.
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Volume 12, Issue 15, Posted 9:54 AM, 08.04.2020
by Robert Rozboril
Westlake residents in need of assistance with putting food on the table can once again register online for Curbside Food Pickup through the Westlake Food Pantry.
After a brief hiatus, the program restarted in July and will be offering pre-packaged food bags to residents the last Thursday of each month through at least September.
As with the program’s previous iteration in May and June, food will be distributed at Westlake Senior & Community Services Center to residents who register in advance via the city’s website:
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Volume 12, Issue 15, Posted 9:54 AM, 08.04.2020
by Eric Eakin
A number of the past presidents of the Bay Men's Club recently donated $2,100 for the proposed Home of the Rockets facility at the high school. The donation by the past presidents came on top of another $1,000 donated by the club. Past presidents who donated were Dave Blevins, Thomas Brugh, Wayne Douglas, Eric Eakin, Chris Edelman, Pete Gierosky, Dominic Giovannazzo, Sean Riley, Rob Spies, John Stanton, Mike Thies and Pete Winzig.
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Volume 12, Issue 14, Posted 10:08 AM, 07.21.2020
by diane rehor
Second in a series of articles that aims to inspire readers to take the risk to try something new, see the positive in life, and recognize that everyday people can make a difference by following their passions.
“I always admired people who do really big things in this world,” says Lisa Lowrie. “I’m not good at being that big-project person, but I like to do the small things that help the people doing the big things, so they keep going.”
Lisa’s “small things,” done with great passion, are actually “big things”!
Last fall, a friend introduced Lisa to Cleveland Angels, a non-profit organization whose mission is to work with children in the foster care system, as well as their caretakers, by offering consistent support through intentional giving, relationship building and mentorship. This mission piqued Lisa’s interest as she has a soft spot for people who foster and adopt children. At 18, Lisa was adopted.
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Volume 12, Issue 14, Posted 10:06 AM, 07.21.2020
by diane rehor
First in a series of articles that aims to inspire readers to take the risk to try something new, see the positive in life, and recognize that everyday people can make a difference by following their passions.
During this pandemic, many of us have struggled to stay positive and motivated. Therefore, let us look to role models to inspire us. Jane Blackie, chair of the Bay Village Chapter of the League of Women Voters (LWV) is one who could serve as a role model for us all as she is one of those inspiring people making a difference during these unique times.
The League of Women Voters is a non-partisan organization, formed 100 years ago in conjunction with the suffrage movement.
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Volume 12, Issue 13, Posted 10:10 AM, 07.07.2020
by Victor Rutkoski
The Westlake Kiwanis and the Westlake Police Department partnered on providing bike helmets for children attending Safety Town.
The helmets were purchased jointly from the Ohio District Kiwanis Foundation as a fundraiser for the Foundation. The Kiwanis Foundation also provides funds to local clubs to help with projects dealing with children.
The police department and Safety Town will see to the distribution of these helmets.
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Volume 12, Issue 13, Posted 10:02 AM, 07.07.2020
by Warren Remein
If you know the Bay Village Chief of Police, Mark Spaetzel, then you know he is a thoughtful, caring and diligent father, police officer and chief. After 35 years with the Bay Village Police Department, Mark Spaetzel is retiring. Since we can't have what would be a large party of family and friends the least that should be done is to note a little about his life and achievements.
Born in 1963 in Lorain, Ohio, Mark's family has lived a long time in Avon Lake. Not only did he grow up in Avon Lake and go to school there, his grandmother was in the first class to graduate from Avon Lake High School. His father, Richard, and mom, Dorothy, are both still living in Avon Lake and very proud of their son. Police work is in the family: his grandfather, Ed, was part-time Avon Lake officer, while his brother Steve is a Lakewood police officer and a cousin is also a policeman.
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Volume 12, Issue 11, Posted 11:10 AM, 06.02.2020
by Dwight Clark
It didn’t take long for the Bay Men’s Club to jump in and help a Bay Village family struggling with cancer. Damon Bower, a Bay High schooler, is currently undergoing chemotherapy treatments.
Volunteer organizer, past president of BMC and current Ward 4 City Councilman Peter Winzig led the effort. "A close friend of mine called and asked if I would reach out to some friends to help the Bower family with some much needed yard work", said Mr. Winzig. “I made a few calls, sent out an email request to other BMC past presidents, and asked current BMC President Matt Williams to do the same to our membership. In typical BMC fashion, positive 'count me in' support rolled in and the guys just kept showing up to help.”
On Memorial Day, the volunteer team of adults and kids descended up the Bower house, trimmed trees and bushes, cleaned and raked out the gardens, cut grass, edged the gardens and sidewalks and spruced up the entire yard.
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Volume 12, Issue 11, Posted 10:36 AM, 06.02.2020
by Eric Eakin
The Bay Men’s Club has awarded $1,500 scholarships to three very deserving Bay High students: Claire Blevins, Mason Hewko, and Jane Finley.
Scholarships are awarded based on need, character, scholastic achievement and leadership qualities.
Blevins enjoys art, photography, being outside, and hanging out with friends. She was on the varsity volleyball team her freshman and sophomore years, which got cut short after she was diagnosed with cancer in 2017. She was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, and after many rounds of chemo and hospitalizations she finished treatment in December 2019, only to sadly relapse in March. She is preparing for a bone marrow transplant in June, and plans to take classes at Cuyahoga Community College her first year while she finishes treatment, then transfer to another four-year college and major in nursing.
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Volume 12, Issue 11, Posted 10:47 AM, 06.02.2020
by Jim Potter
The Bay Village American Legion Post #385 honored Memorial Day with their traditional 21-gun salute at Lakeside Cemetery.
Chaplain Ed Kus gave an opening prayer and Commander Stanley Zeager read the names of those 59 individuals who made the ultimate sacrifice for the freedoms that we all enjoy.
Janice Blanton represented the Daughters of the American Revolution at the event.
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Volume 12, Issue 11, Posted 10:35 AM, 06.02.2020
by Stan Grisnik
The Bay Village Kiwanis Club has been sponsoring the annual Bay Village Academic Achievement Awards Night for over 50 years. The Awards Night is typically held in the Bay High School auditorium. This year, due to social distancing guidelines, the event was held online. The annual Kiwanis Awards Dinner honoring the recipients will tentatively be held later this summer.
For the 2019-2020 school year, the Bay Village Kiwanis Club has awarded 16 scholarships totaling $12,750, to the following students:
- $250 Department Awards: Olivia Doland, Art; Thomas Ferrara, Business; Dominic Yontosh, Career Based Intervention; Elizabeth Holup, English; Caden Barker, Family & Consumer Sciences; Ben Anderson, Mathematics; Max Linn Shelton, Music; Audrey Ray, Science; Patricia Yuhas, Social Studies; Stephen Tepper, Technology; Juliana Reising, World Language
- $2,000 Kiwanis Scholarship Awards: Olivia Doland, Noah Lowery, Edward Papp
- $2,000 Kiwanis Key Club Scholarship Awards: Madison Florez, Shea Janos
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Volume 12, Issue 11, Posted 10:39 AM, 06.02.2020
by diane rehor
Part of a series of articles highlighting local employees going above and beyond during the coronavirus pandemic.
Heroes wear many uniforms ... and this one wears jeans and a baseball cap!
I’d been wanting to buy a glass top for my pedestal table for five years. The stay-at-home mandate created time to research this purchase. I grabbed my phone and typed in “glass tops” in Google Maps, and a list appeared.
First listing: permanently closed. Sad. Second listing: within five minutes, I knew this was NOT the person I wanted to do business with as he made selecting a glass top as complicated as rocket science.
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Volume 12, Issue 11, Posted 10:38 AM, 06.02.2020
by Robert Rozboril
While many of us are supporting local restaurants by taking advantage of their curbside pickup services, the Westlake Food Pantry has flipped the script and is using the curbside pickup concept to benefit locals in need.
The Senior and Community Services Department’s new Friday Curbside Pickup program, supported by a $1,000 grant from the Community West Foundation, offers residents facing economic struggles related to the coronavirus pandemic a new, safe and discreet avenue to utilize the city’s Food Pantry. Friends and family members of residents who are struggling but unable to pickup food items themselves also are encouraged to register to use the program.
It’s a concept that has gained traction in other parts of the country and the Community Services staff in Westlake hopes it can become the norm in Northeast Ohio. Similar events have been organized in the area but not necessarily with plans to run long-term. In Westlake, the Community Services Department intends to continue to keep the program going as long as the demand is there.
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Volume 12, Issue 10, Posted 10:42 AM, 05.19.2020
by Jane Blackie
The Bay Village Chapter of the League of Women Voters is pleased to announce the Bay High School recipients of the 2020 Good Citizen Scholar Awards: Ellie LaMotte and John Kilbane. These students will be awarded $1,000 each for their college expenses and were selected by the Bay High staff to whom we are grateful.
This year marks the 100th anniversary of women suffrage, the 100th anniversary of the League of Women Voters, and the 73rd anniversary of the Bay Village Chapter. As a grassroots organization with nationwide influence, the League firmly believes that each of us can make a difference by demonstrating character, scholarship and leadership. Our scholarship winners embody that sentiment.
This memorial scholarship honors two eminent Bay League members: Maxine M. McQuate, a champion of student involvement in government, and George Serb, community historian and peerless citizen activist.
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Volume 12, Issue 10, Posted 10:56 AM, 05.19.2020
by Robert Rozboril
The incredibly positive response from recipients of the “100 Bags of Sunshine” initiative in March inspired the Westlake Department for Senior and Community Services to launch a second round with the help of donations from many new sponsors.
As with the first event, staff worked to identify 100 Westlake seniors that could benefit from a spirit lift during this challenging time.
Each bag included homemade cookies, greeting cards, heart-shaped stress balls, multiple puzzle books, adult coloring books, colored pencils, granola snacks, miscellaneous chocolates, pens, pill containers, tea bags and (of course) toilet paper. This time, the note that came with the toilet paper rolls read “You’ve been Tea-p’d!”
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Volume 12, Issue 10, Posted 10:42 AM, 05.19.2020
by diane rehor
Part of a series of articles highlighting local employees going above and beyond during the coronavirus pandemic.
... and Dan Kozar wears three! A realtor’s sports jacket, a local grocer’s shirt, and an online shopper’s T-shirt!
Young people have been affected by the coronavirus, too. Many of them have had their career aspirations put on hold. Dan Kozar is no exception.
Over the years, Dan has supplemented his career dreams while working at a local grocery store. I’m sure I’m just one of many who have experienced his amazing “of service” attitude and infectious smile every time we shop.
But what we may not see is his perseverance and drive to achieve his dreams.
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Volume 12, Issue 10, Posted 10:46 AM, 05.19.2020
by Robert Rozboril
The Westlake Department for Senior and Community Services is working tirelessly to offer virtual programs to keep residents connected and active while also continuing to provide vital social services to those in need.
These difficult times present unprecedented challenges in doing both but our residents can help by making small donations to support these programming efforts.
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Volume 12, Issue 10, Posted 10:42 AM, 05.19.2020
by Robert Rozboril
The Westlake Senior and Community Services Department is offering new virtual programs to keep residents engaged and to hopefully help them smile. The department is primarily using the Zoom format for the events for which meeting invitations are only emailed to those who are registered.
The department also offers the Senior Strong program, which utilizes a telephone conferencing format.
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Volume 12, Issue 10, Posted 10:41 AM, 05.19.2020
by diane rehor
The first in a series of articles highlighting local employees going above and beyond during the coronavirus pandemic.
Heroes wear many uniforms ... and one of those uniforms is a green Cahoon Nursery shirt! Thanks to Jim, Connell and Alec for their outstanding service in this time of social distancing.
Small businesses represents 75% of our economy. Let us not forget all the employees that show up for work and work extremely hard to keep their small business employers afloat during these trying times.
My hubby and I ventured out to Cahoon Nursery for “essential” replacement trees. Not only did Alec respect social distancing, but he managed to answer every question and show us every option while keeping his distance.
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Volume 12, Issue 9, Posted 9:41 AM, 05.05.2020
by Randy Risch
Hunter Darst, Bay Village Troop 41, earned the Eagle Scout rank on April 13. His Eagle service project team built a commemorative podium and binder display for deceased veterans of Bay Village. Hunter is a member of the St. Edward High School Class of 2020. He plans to attend the University of Cincinnati to study computer engineering.
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Volume 12, Issue 9, Posted 9:42 AM, 05.05.2020
by Karoline Zorc
Good Friday is one of the holiest days of the year for Catholics. Traditionally, The Passion is read and the Stations of the Cross are prayed at various churches on Good Friday. This year the typical observances would be put on hold because of the stay-at-home order from Governor Mike DeWine due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, 14 Bay Village, Westlake and Rocky River families created a way to commemorate the journey of Christ and join the community together, while still social distancing through the Driving Stations of the Cross.
The effort was led by Dr. Katie Bekeny-Kelly and her family of Bay Village. She started a text string on April 1, asking each family to volunteer to create some sort of display of the 14 Stations of the Cross for Friday, April 10. The goal was for families and community members to drive by each exhibit and use the Catholic All Year Stations of the Cross devotional to say prayers, read Bible verses, and meditate with the visual model of the path of Jesus.
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Volume 12, Issue 8, Posted 9:05 AM, 04.21.2020
by Robert Rozboril
Every year around this time, the Westlake Senior and Community Services Department holds its Easter Food Distribution program through which residents in need can make an appointment to receive vital food supplies.
Each family was provided a ticket with a time indicating when to show up to claim their food and received a treasure trove of essentials to take home without having to leave their cars. Families received a free turkey, fresh produce, a flower and other essentials.
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Volume 12, Issue 8, Posted 9:04 AM, 04.21.2020
by Brooke ODonnell
Neighbors are coming together in creative ways to support each other and community organizations during this uncertain time. Westlake Meals on Wheels (WMOW) is partnering with local restaurants and the program has received tremendous support. Westlake Mayor Dennis Clough endorses the program and feels it can have a positive impact. “Si Senor & Subway are just two of the Westlake businesses that have stepped up to help. I encourage other businesses and volunteers to join us in this great program,” said the Mayor.
Westlake School Superintendent Dr. Scott Goggin also expressed support. “Including our local businesses is a great idea to not only provide for our senior citizens, but also support our local businesses. This is a creative idea to build a win-win relationship,” said Dr. Goggin.
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Volume 12, Issue 8, Posted 9:01 AM, 04.21.2020
by Lydia Gadd
In mid-March, two weeks prior to Governor Mike DeWine's order, the West Shore senior centers proactively suspended all senior activities. That being said, we are all busier than ever creating physically distant avenues to serve the public, especially seniors, during this time of greater need. And, although we have all pared down our services, observing rules on essential versus nonessential employees, we are still open via phone and email, often handling inquiries on a case by case basis.
An obvious need is food. Thankfully we have been hearing that neighbors and families have been dedicated to helping their elder loved ones get the supplies they need and thus limiting unnecessary trips to the store. As for folks who do not have help, we are working with them on a case by case basis. In Westlake, we also operate a food pantry which is available to all Westlake residents in need (regardless of age). Our food pantry requests have increased by over 25% in these first weeks as so many have faced a loss of income after being laid off.
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Volume 12, Issue 7, Posted 9:43 AM, 04.07.2020
by Leslie Selig
Bay Village is a community that comes together to support those who need help in times of need, and the COVID-19 crisis is definitely one of those times.
As seniors are particularly at risk with the coronavirus, several community programs have been created to help our seniors stay at home to reduce their risk:
- More than 40 residents have stepped up to volunteer by shopping for groceries or prescriptions, or by making “checking in” phone calls to help with the loneliness that the quarantine brings. Bay Village Community Services is coordinating this effort. Anyone who needs help should call Community Services at 440-899-3442, and we will contact a volunteer to help fill your need.
- All of the Bay Village churches are reaching out to their congregations to offer similar help. If you are a member of a church and are more comfortable calling them for help, they will be ready.
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Volume 12, Issue 7, Posted 9:44 AM, 04.07.2020
by Victor Rutkoski
Olivia Kostecke, director of Safety Town for Westlake, was the guest speaker at the Feb. 25 Westlake Kiwanis meeting. Olivia spoke on the history of Safety Town and their future plans.
Safety Town is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. Safety Town is a two-week summer learning experience for children entering kindergarten and teaches youngsters street safety and introduces them to the police department as their friend. It was conceived by Westlake Mayor Alexander Roman and Service Director Lloyd Barnes and was opened on June 22, 1970.
The program began behind City Hall and continued there until 1990. In 1990, Safety Town was moved to a location behind Dover Elementary School during the construction of the new police station. It has since been returned to the City Hall complex.
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Volume 12, Issue 7, Posted 9:43 AM, 04.07.2020
by Victor Rutkoski
In this time of global pandemic, most volunteer organizations are suffering through their fundraising efforts. The Westlake Kiwanis is no different as they had to cancel their Spring Pancake Breakfast scheduled for March 29. The spring and fall pancake breakfasts fund various projects such as the Westlake Community Holiday Food Drives for Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter. They also support Adopt-a-Family for Christmas, Safety Town and many other projects. We would like to thank companies and individuals, corporate sponsors, for their generous donations and placemats.
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Volume 12, Issue 7, Posted 9:46 AM, 04.07.2020
by Elizabeth Milli
If you’ve ever walked along the lake in Cahoon Park, you may have noticed a small footbridge lined with bronze plaques. You may even recognize the names engraved on the plaques as some of the city’s finest citizens. Do you have a family member or friend that you wish to honor in this special way?
The Bay Village Foundation has been creating a beautiful place to remember loved ones for 18 years. The Foundation’s Bronze Plaque Program was established as a way for families and friends to give permanent recognition to Bay citizens in one central place. Donors that contribute $2,500 or more may request a plaque to honor the life and work of Bay Village residents, living or deceased. The plaques are engraved with personalized text and are installed on the T. Richard Martin Footbridge in Cahoon Memorial Park.
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Volume 12, Issue 5, Posted 10:06 AM, 03.03.2020