Village Food Project garden update

Amber Donovan, Meg Butler and Wendy Barnes are in charge of coordinating the volunteers growing food for The Village Food Project in the Bay Community Garden.

The wet spring couldn't stop The Village Food Project (VFP) volunteers from preparing three plots in the Bay Community Organic Garden. Thanks to a variety of generous donations and the hard work of our phenomenal volunteers, the VFP kitchen will receive fresh, organic food later this summer and into the fall. 

The Village Food Project is a non-profit organization completely run by volunteers. The Project’s mission is to come together as a community of all ages to provide nourishing meals and support for neighbors experiencing a cancer crisis.  Currently there are over 175 volunteers serving in a variety of roles.

“Our garden volunteers have done a fantastic job despite the inclement weather,” Executive Director Barb Harrell stated. “I continue to be awed by all of our volunteers’ willingness to share their time, talent and resources. We live in a wonderful community.”

VFP Garden Coordinators Wendy Barnes, Meg Butler and Amber Donovan have been busy securing donations, building raised beds, planting, weeding and organizing volunteers. 

“People have been extremely kind in donating to our cause," Meg Butler said. "Urban Organics donated SweetPeet for our beds, Landmark Garden Center discounted the organic topsoil, Hansen’s Greenhouse provided organic plants and herbs, the Bay Village Green Team donated the plots, and Green Team youth members made a generous cash donation to purchase materials.” 

The garden will be tended to by adult volunteers, seventh- and eighth-graders, and even younger children (when accompanied by a parent). Vegetables and herbs harvested in the garden will be used by the teen cooks in the VFP kitchen. Growing excess food will not be a problem. The Village Food Project has prepared and delivered over 1,000 meals since February 1, 2011. However, if there is additional food, VFP will donate it to the Bay Food Bank. 

VFP Coordinator Amber Donovan has been involved in the Community Garden from the beginning. “I have always enjoyed gardening," she said. "Helping to coordinate the gardening efforts for the VFP is a way to utilize my love of gardening to help our neighbors in need. Involving the kids is a great way to teach the importance of serving at an early age.”

Coordinator Wendy Barnes works to schedule volunteers to water and weed on a weekly basis. “People have really been wonderful to come forward and offer their time. I have met some fantastic people who want to make a difference. Our schedule is filling quickly, but we still have spots left and welcome new volunteers.” 

If you would like to be a part of the Project, please email, call 440-348-9401, or mail: The Village Food Project, P.O. Box 40023, Bay Village, Ohio 44140. VFP encourages you to visit their website: and “like” them on Facebook:  

Read More on Community Service
Volume 3, Issue 14, Posted 2:05 PM, 07.12.2011