One Senior's Opinion: Supporting our students

A subtle change in the air, slight color changes on leaves, could it be the arrival of autumn? Cooler nights, sunny days...perfect. If you listen closely you might hear the sounds of high school marching bands, either practicing or performing at a game.

High school football games are the greatest. Good-natured rivalry, family friends, classmates in the stands and cheerleaders getting the crowd off their feet bring communities together. Homecoming weekends mean homecoming dances and the crowning of kings and queens. I don't believe anyone forgets fall school activities.

Share in the fun by particpating in the festivities, or if you can't, buy a candy bar or magazine subscription to help students purchase new uniforms, instruments or take a class trip in the spring. Can't afford that? Then give each child you meet your biggest, brightest smile.

It would be fantastic if each adult community member would become involved with a student or two, letting them know we care about them and their future. Let's show them our support. It takes a village, you know.

Dianne Borowski

Bay Village

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Volume 4, Issue 19, Posted 10:03 AM, 09.18.2012