Westerly students make, sell dog bones for a cause

Grace Zoller and Celia Feiszli show off the homemade BBQ bones.

We are making BBQ dog bones to make a difference! Making dog bones is part of our economics class in Mrs. Thomas' room. For almost seven years, Mrs. Thomas' classes have been making dog bones as part of their economics lesson. Our class is learning to be entrepreneurs (one who starts a business). Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Davis' classes are making the dog bones this year at Westerly School in Bay Village.

When people buy the dog bones they will be helping make a difference. We will donate our profit to the Island Safe Harbor Animal Sanctuary in Port Clinton. A sanctuary is a place where something lives. It is a safe, no kill shelter. We learned all about it from Mr. Glasmire, our head custodian. At school, he collected dog and cat things because the sanctuary just rescued 36 puppies from a puppy mill. We wanted to help too.

We are making the dog bones on Jan. 11 at school with lots of parent helpers. Some students even get to bake more batches at home. The flavor of the dog bones are barbeque. We are selling them for $1.25 for a bag of two. If you want to order some, the orders are due Jan. 11. Feel free to contact us at Westonwoofsinc@gmail.com. When you order, you have to pick up your homemade dog bones at Westerly School. We can't wait to see how many dog bones we can sell and how much money we can donate to the animal sanctuary!

Grace Zoller and Celia Feiszli, third-graders at Westerly School

 Third-graders at Westerly School

Read More on Community Service
Volume 5, Issue 1, Posted 9:15 AM, 01.08.2013