Montessori students explore the solar system

Westshore Montessori kindergarten students complete a project about the solar system.

The kindergarten students at Westshore Montessori in Westlake recently completed a science activity in brain building with STEM. The students naturally have many questions and were taught to ask beyond the "why" question, but ask a "what" question too. "What" questions focus on what is happening, what are you noticing and what are you doing.

Those answers were right in front of the students recently when we explored the solar system. The planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter are in an ellipitical alignment and can be see in the very early morning until Feb. 20. The students were able to make observations and apply problem solving by using variety of materials to create their understanding of the planets in our solar system.   

michelle ramey

A teacher at Westshore Montessori School in Westlake. I teach pre -k and kdg. students for the past 21 years.I also specialize in art and science curriculums.

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Volume 8, Issue 3, Posted 9:51 AM, 02.02.2016