Catherine the Great: tyrant or leader for all ages?

Russia's Peter and Catherine were both called Great. What was it that made them "great"? This latest Case Western Reserve University continuing education course offered right here in Bay Village will try to provide an answer.

The eight-week class begins Monday, March 14, 10 a.m., with a reflection on Peter's Russian background and then delve into the life of the famous Catherine who was to change Russia's history. Was she a murderer, a tyrant or perhaps an enlightened leader? Did she follow in Peter's footsteps or create a new brand of world leadership, perhaps a leader for all time? Did she "play like a man but win like a woman"? Ponder all this and finally discuss whether or not Russia is returning to the era of tsars.

The class will meet at Bay United Methodist Church and cost $80 for the eight-week session. Both men and women are invited. Catherine was indeed a "sizzling" woman, both in romance and politics. This will be a very interesting class. For information or register: call Marianne Wagner at 440-808-0076 before March 14.

Lynn Taliak

co leader of CWRU continuing education classes in Bay Village

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Volume 8, Issue 4, Posted 9:57 AM, 02.16.2016