On Monday, Aug. 26, the Westlake-North Olmsted Chapter of the League of Women Voters will celebrate Women’s Equality Day, marking a key date in the history of women’s right to vote in the U.S.
This August date in 1920 was when the United States Secretary of State certified the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, making female citizens eligible to vote for candidates at all levels of government beginning with the presidential election of November 1920. The lead-up to this change in law had been long and tumultuous, beginning formally in 1848 at a national convention of advocates for women’s right to vote in Seneca Falls, New York.
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Volume 11, Issue 16, Posted 9:23 AM, 08.20.2019
by Dave Sartin
At least six persons expected to seek election for judge in Cuyahoga County Common Pleas or the Ohio Court of Appeals will speak at the Monday, Aug. 12, meeting of the Bay Village Democratic Club. The club meets at 7 p.m. in the Community Room of the police department at 28000 Wolf Road.
Jennifer O'Donnell, a public defender for 11 years, will run for Common Pleas judge in 2020. “I have represented thousands of indigent Cuyahoga County residents in a variety of criminal and civil custody proceedings,” she said. “I believe my defense background will enable a fresh perspective and bring innovative ideas to better serve the needs of our community.”
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Volume 11, Issue 15, Posted 10:10 AM, 08.06.2019
by dennis driscoll
The Bay Village City Council is considering amending the rear yard fencing requirements to allow more options to a home owner. At the Environment, Safety and Community Services Committee meeting on March 18, the main discussions focused on the following rear yard fencing issues: (1) increasing the height of a rear yard fence from four feet to five feet, requiring 75 percent transparency for any fence higher than four feet; and (2) expanding the length of a privacy screen from 32 feet to 40 feet and allowing an additional eight feet of decreasing transitional screen in either direction.
Currently, Bay Village limits the height of a rear yard fence to four feet. Furthermore, there is no transparency requirement for a rear yard fence. As to a rear yard privacy screen, a privacy screen shall not exceed six feet, four inches in height, and the privacy screen shall not exceed 32 feet in any direction.
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Volume 11, Issue 7, Posted 9:51 AM, 04.02.2019
by Dave Sartin
The Bay Village Democratic Club has launched a massive canvassing project to reach voters before the Nov. 6 election.
More than 20 club members visited homes of 2,206 Democrats or unaffiliated voters before Oct. 10 during canvassing that has largely been conducted on weekends. In a three-day period in late September, volunteers stopped at 339 homes.
“We’re focusing on Democrats and unaffiliated voters,” said Tom Ryan, canvassing coordinator. “When we talk to Republicans, we stress that we hope they vote and will consider Democratic candidates.”
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Volume 10, Issue 20, Posted 10:07 AM, 10.16.2018
by Dave Sartin
The next time you get a hankering for some homemade oregano vinegar, think of the Bay Village Democratic Club.
Oregano vinegar – it really is homemade – will be among zany raffle prizes offered at the club's annual hot dog and corn roast. Other prizes include books on political history and essays, a carafe, a canvas briefcase and gift cards from several Bay Village merchants.
The annual corn roast is Wednesday, Sept. 19, from 6 to 8 p.m. at Bay Lodge, 492 Bradley Road.
Food and beverages will be provided by the club, while you can bring family, kids and friends. Some members will bring a side dish or dessert to share.
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Volume 10, Issue 18, Posted 10:08 AM, 09.18.2018
by Dave Sartin
The Bay Village Democratic Club is preparing for the November elections.
In recent weeks, club members have:
- Conducted trial runs at neighborhood canvassing, using special software to identify undecided voters as well as persons who say they are Democrats.
- Conducted weekly phone bank evenings to encourage residents to register to vote and participate in elections.
- Launched a website, baydems.org, that lists upcoming club meetings, guides viewers through the process to register to vote and provides an election precinct map for the city. Baydems.org also allows residents to file membership applications.
- Updated a Facebook page, The Bay Village Democrats.
- Re-elected Gerald R. Horning as City Leader within the Cuyahoga County Democratic Party. Horning already serves as club president.
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Volume 10, Issue 16, Posted 8:48 AM, 08.21.2018
by Dave Sartin
Venture capitalists from around the world will soon meet in Cleveland to hear proposals from 18 startup companies seeking investors, according to County Executive Armond Budish.
Speaking to the Bay Village Democratic Club, Budish said creation of the Global Center for Health Innovations is one of local government's best achievements.
The Center was created largely after it became clear that the former Medical Mart near the new convention center in downtown Cleveland would not be a success. The mart concept failed because medical equipment buyers don’t do business to “warehouse” environments, he said.
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Volume 10, Issue 12, Posted 9:25 AM, 06.19.2018
by Dave Sartin
Rev. John Rinehart, an activist in the group that protested the expansion of Quickens Loans Arena in downtown Cleveland, will be a guest speaker at the Oct. 16 meeting of the Bay Democratic Club.
Greater Cleveland Congregations (GCC) has been widely credited with influencing the Cavaliers, Cleveland city leaders and county officials to make neighborhood improvements at the same time The Q is expanded and modernized.
GCC was formed in 2011 after more than 2,000 people met to discuss improvements in education, criminal justice reform and health care. Today, members represent 39 houses of worship among Christian, Jewish and Muslim organizations.
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Volume 9, Issue 19, Posted 10:10 AM, 10.03.2017
by Beth Patterson
The League of Women Voters invites residents of Westlake to attend a forum regarding Issue 53. The Friends for Seniors, Parks and Recreation will share information about the proposed renewal of the one-eighth of 1% recreation levy followed by a question and answer session.
Presenters will include Mayor Dennis Clough; Dale Smith, chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission; Lydia Gadd, director of Community Services; and Bud Tetzlaff, former chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission. The forum will take place at the Westlake Porter Public Library on Monday, Sept. 25, at 7:30 p.m.
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Volume 9, Issue 18, Posted 10:10 AM, 09.19.2017
by Dave Sartin
The Bay Village Democratic Club has invited all candidates for mayor and city council to speak at the annual Democratic Club Corn Roast on Wednesday, Sept. 13, 6 p.m., at the Bay Lodge.
The corn roast will be the first public event following the primary election on Tuesday, Sept 12.
In Bay primaries, the top two finishers will face off in November. Because only two candidates filed in certain contests, they automatically advance to the November election.
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Volume 9, Issue 17, Posted 9:40 AM, 09.06.2017
by Sara Byrnes Maier
After serving with other dedicated residents on the steering committee to develop the city’s new Master Plan, I hope to continue work to help implement elements of this plan and to give back to my community by serving on Council.
I am a graduate of the Bay High School (Class of 1997), as is my husband, Nic (Class of 1996). We chose to move back to Bay in 2013 so that our children, Oliver and Charlotte, could receive the same excellent education we did and the opportunity to grow up in this very special community.
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Volume 9, Issue 15, Posted 9:40 AM, 08.01.2017
by Cheryll McCarty
I am so honored live in Bay Village with my family. There are many wonderful things about Bay Village, including our schools, neighbors and friends, and the security and safety of our city.
Since moving to Bay in 2006, I have been very active in the community. I have coached soccer and served as concessions director for Bay Baseball. I was PTA president of Westerly and Bay High School. I am currently president of PTA council, a board member of Bay Rocket Boosters, a Kiwanis member, a volunteer and parishioner of St. Raphael’s church, and a Bay Village Community Council member.
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Volume 9, Issue 15, Posted 9:34 AM, 08.01.2017
by Michael Smith
I look forward to representing the interests of the residents of Ward 3 in the upcoming election. Having grown up in Bay Village, I have come to appreciate and understand the importance of community, and it is the primary focus of my candidacy to become more active in helping to strengthen such community. It has been a pleasure to be a resident and member of the Bay Village community for almost 30 years, and I hope that my time here helps to make me a better councilman.
My wife, Tess, and I live on Debbington Drive, with our 5 children. After graduating from Bay High School, I attended Miami University, studying history and comparative religion.
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Volume 9, Issue 15, Posted 9:39 AM, 08.01.2017
by Alex Dade
A bit about me:
- 1972 Texas A&M University engineering degree
- 20-Year Air Force pilot, Lieutenant Colonel, squadron commander
- 25-year telecommunications executive
- 16-year Bay resident
- Married 42 years to BHS 1969 graduate Karen Hansen
- Two daughters, two grandchildren
- Multiple rescue pet owner
- Retired, so City Council will be my full-time focus
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Volume 9, Issue 15, Posted 9:39 AM, 08.01.2017
by Rick Timm
I make things happen. In fact, I have been successful at making things happen my entire career.
I work as a corporate attorney and I create paths to make things happen. The easy path is to say “no” to challenges, but the more difficult and courageous path is to find a way to say “yes.” For the past 20 years, I have helped my company say “yes” and in those same 20 years, we have quintupled in size.
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Volume 9, Issue 15, Posted 9:39 AM, 08.01.2017
by Jennifer Wamelink
It would be my privilege to be your Ward 4 Councilwoman. My family and I have lived in Ward 4 for nine years. While I am a lawyer by trade, a skill set that will serve me well as your Councilwoman, it is the last several years that I have spent primarily as an at-home mother that set me apart and make me the best candidate for Ward 4.
As the mother of three children I have immersed myself in all Bay has to offer. You will see us talking to residents as we are enjoying the parks and pool, at Cahoon fields for soccer, taking classes at Emjaez, the nature center, and BAYarts and refueling at Mojo's. I was the President of the Early Childhood PTA, will chair my third Normandy Teacher Appreciation Luncheon this spring, and my third Holiday Homes Tour in November.
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Volume 9, Issue 15, Posted 9:39 AM, 08.01.2017
by Peter Winzig
I’ve always had a lot of ideas and energy, especially when it comes to being active in our community. Now that my kids are grown and off building their own lives, I jumped at the opportunity to continue my civic involvement and join city government. I think it’s a good fit.
I love Bay Village - been active locally for nearly 30 years, as a coach, volunteer, fundraiser, levy supporter, committee member, church leader, drug education advocate and most recently as Board President at our beautiful BAYarts. I know how to get things done. And done right.
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Volume 9, Issue 15, Posted 9:38 AM, 08.01.2017
by David Barker
I am proudly running for the Ward 2 city council. My background is in managing maintenance departments. I am accountable for creating and meeting budgets, personnel, physical property, capital expenditures, and project management. This experience will help guide me in working with the mayor and city employees to resolve these problems. I will give you the dedicated representation you deserve.
My reason for running for city council is a civic duty along with the civic pride that comes from hard work and dedication to the core values that are Bay Village. I enjoy helping people and know I can make a difference. As an active Bay resident, I have volunteered as the Cub Scout Pack 729 Den leader, Bay Recreation soccer coach for many years, Bay Recreation basketball coach, member of the Bay Boat Club, fields director for Bay Soccer, and logistics coordinator for Bay Challenge Cup.
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Volume 9, Issue 15, Posted 9:40 AM, 08.01.2017
by Lydia DeGeorge
Four years ago, when I began attending meetings, the room was nearly empty. If people wouldn’t go to City Hall I decided I would bring City Hall to the people. I started writing a blog, then a Facebook page that has become the go-to for information, answers to questions, and lively conversations about Bay Village politics. Transparency and participation are my cornerstones for good government.
This is a time of momentous decisions for Bay. Do we want houses that cover entire lots? Townhouses? How are we going to pay for sewer improvements? How to curtail power outages? You need effective answers. As a Council representative my work will be defined by your input.
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Volume 9, Issue 15, Posted 9:40 AM, 08.01.2017
by Cynthia White
The 19th century brought us coffin alarms. A bell on the headstone was attached to a string which went down into the coffin so that if the buried person “awoke,” she or he could ring the bell and be retrieved. Symptoms and side effects of some epidemics, coupled with Gothic fiction, led to fears of being buried alive, so this seemed like a reasonable solution. Healthcare has come a long way since then and coffin alarms have disappeared.
The 19th century also brought us gerrymandering. Massachusetts Governor Elbridge Gerry developed it in 1812 when he approved a redistricting map which consolidated voters in such a way as to disproportionately benefit his party. One district in the Boston area was so oddly configured that it looked like a mythological salamander. Thus was born the practice called “Gerry-mandering” which continues to this day.
Every 10 years, following each national census, our congressional districts are redrawn based on population changes. Currently the party in charge at the time can draw the districts as they like, in whatever shapes will create the most favorable number of votes for them.
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Volume 9, Issue 15, Posted 9:30 AM, 08.01.2017
by Dave Sartin
Gerry Horning was re-elected president of the Bay Village Democratic Club for 2018 in an unanimous vote among about 20 club members at the June 12 meeting. Horning is a Bay Village city leader in the county Democratic organization and a personal injury lawyer.
Other officers re-elected were Mary Ann Cronin, vice president; Harriet Gannon, secretary; and Ann Sartin, treasurer.
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Volume 9, Issue 12, Posted 9:23 AM, 06.20.2017
by Lynda Appel
I have enjoyed representing the people of Ward 1 for nearly 4 years and I am seeking re-election. I want to continue in the role for the following reasons:
- Build on the email and social media communication I implemented. I love hearing from you and sharing what the city is working on.
- Continue fiscal responsibility and exemplary community services. I’m proud to have supported the textile recycling initiative; so far over 23 tons have been recycled, reducing landfill waste.
- Work with interested businesses to continue to expand and promote economic development. I look forward to seeing the finished product that replaces the trailer park.
- Advocate for further collaboration between the city and our schools. I attend School Board meetings to stay informed about the issues and the spending of our tax dollars.
- Be a voice and represent the needs of Ward 1 in conjunction with the city’s goals.
- Be a presence in the community at large to foster communication and responsiveness. You've seen me at city events, rec events, school events. All opportunities for you to talk to me about your concerns.
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Volume 9, Issue 7, Posted 9:27 AM, 04.04.2017
by Brendan Delay
I will make Westlake safe from conflicting loyalties. I am a self-employed local attorney. My wife is a real estate agent. My children grew up in Westlake. I do not work for the Westlake School District or the City of Westlake.
The City Law Director John Wheeler will be retiring. His 20 years of experience as prosecutor and law director leaves a vacuum. Having an attorney next year on City Council will assist its decisions on land topics, zoning, contracts and litigation of the serious cases now filed against Westlake. The City of Westlake has engaged in negotiations with the Westlake School District to swap different large parcels of land and a building. The future will hold zoning variances, road and traffic signal modifications by the City of Westlake – with some conflicting interests.
Westlake needs a safer new Community Center. If designed with resiliency principles the future Community Center could handle windstorms, tornadoes and ice storms. With backup generators and batteries, solar panels, and sliding window covers, and a covered walkway to the Recreation Center, it would serve as a refuge and temporary housing for those with a damaged house, or no power or the elderly.
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Volume 9, Issue 7, Posted 9:28 AM, 04.04.2017
by Duane Van Dyke
My name is Duane Van Dyke and I am running for Westlake City Council, Ward 1. I grew up in Ward 1 and returned 14 years ago to raise my family here because of the high quality of life Westlake has to offer.
I want to ensure that it stays that way. Across Ohio, we see once thriving communities that are now struggling to compete. We are fortunate that Westlake is currently in a strong position because of vision and sound planning. However, trends in where we work, what people want in a home, and how we shop are changing. We should consider updating our city’s master plan, with input from the community, so we remain competitive.
Implementing the recreation plan for the city will be an asset for current residents of all ages, as well as a tool for attracting new ones. Similarly, our freeway entrances could become landscaped gateways that would set a welcoming tone for our whole city – good for both residents and businesses.
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Volume 9, Issue 7, Posted 9:28 AM, 04.04.2017
by Mary Ann Garvey
This report is not an official statement of the League of Women Voters. Mayor Clough’s office prepares official minutes.
The meeting took place at Westlake City Hall beginning at 9:30 a.m. The first half-hour was a closed session devoted to financial matters. The meeting adjourned at 10:39 am.
Present: Mayors Clough (Westlake), Koomar (Bay Village), Patton (Fairview Park), Summers (Lakewood), Kennedy (North Olmsted), and Bobst (Rocky River).
Also present: Renee Mahoney (fiscal officer)
Renee Mahoney reported on the newly formalized internet banking policy. The mayors have forwarded the proposal to their finance directors and the topic will be discussed at the next meeting.
2016 Financials: There is a total of $300,000 in cash and the checking account. All items were within budget. The cities' contributions for 2017 will be the same as for 2016. Most income comes from seizures.
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Volume 9, Issue 6, Posted 10:15 AM, 03.21.2017
by Conda Boyd
Sixty constituents made up a standing-room-only crowd at Ohio District 16 Representative Dave Greenspan's first "Donuts with Dave" town hall meeting in Westlake Porter Public Library on Feb. 25. In a 2.5-hour marathon, Greenspan fielded tough questions on a wide range of issues, from gerrymandering to reproductive rights, Lake Erie water quality to safety for ethnic and religious minorities, and human trafficking to gun control. The state budget was also a hot topic, in particular provisions that affect schools.
Greenspan outlined several measures he will use to gather constituent input as he settles into his new job. He expects to hold Donuts with Dave sessions every other month on Saturdays, with the next one scheduled for April 29, 10-12:30 at the Fairview Park Library. In addition, roundtables will feature issues before each of the 22 Ohio House standing committees. The first roundtable, on March 6, focused on the opiate crisis.
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Volume 9, Issue 5, Posted 9:29 AM, 03.07.2017
by LWV observer Janice Patterson (Westlake/North Olmsted chapter)
This report is not an official statement of the League of Women Voters. Mayor Bobst's office prepares official minutes.
The meeting took place at Memorial Hall, Rocky River, with Mayor Pam Bobst presiding.
Present: Mayors Bobst (Rocky River), Summers (Lakewood), Sutherland (Bay Village), Patton (Fairview Park) and Kennedy (North Olmsted). Mayor Clough (Westlake) was absent. Also present were Mary Ellen Umerley, Chris McNulty, Jeff Capretto and Kevin Bednarski.
Two extensive reports were presented. Chris McNulty, Director of Political and Community Affairs for the Republican National Convention Arrangements Committee, briefed the mayors on his office’s responsibilities relating to the July 2016 Republican National Convention. Jeff Capretto, Special Agent in Charge, Westshore Enforcement Bureau (WEB), presented the 2015 annual report orally and in print.
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Volume 8, Issue 10, Posted 9:49 AM, 05.17.2016
by WBVO Staff
City charters will be the topic for discussion at the Thursday, April 21, meeting of the Westlake/North Olmsted chapter of the League of Women Voters of Greater Cleveland. The program will take place at the North Olmsted branch of the Cuyahoga County Public Library, 27403 Lorain Road, and will begin at 10:30 a.m.
Since the chapter’s jurisdiction involves two cities, a comparative review of charter provisions is helpful to members in observing and supporting municipal services. Member Janice Patterson, who has served on charter commissions in two cities in Cuyahoga County, will lead the discussion. The public is welcome to attend.
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Volume 8, Issue 7, Posted 10:09 AM, 04.05.2016
by WBVO Staff
Legislation sponsored by State Rep. Nan Baker to strengthen penalties on drunk drivers passed unanimously by the Ohio House Judiciary Committee on Nov. 2. The committee’s passage sends the bill to the House floor for a full chamber vote.
House Bill 300 would prevent drunk drivers from reclaiming their driver’s license immediately after their release from prison. The bill protects innocent people by keeping aggravated vehicular homicide offenders, those who cause the death of another as a result of driving while intoxicated, from behind the wheel.
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Volume 7, Issue 22, Posted 9:20 AM, 11.17.2015
by susan murnane
League of Women Voters is bringing campaign reform activist Zephyr Teachout to town on Nov. 5 and 6 to speak on the history of corruption in the United States from its founding to the present day. Teachout will examine the various issues surrounding corruption from their constitutional origins through the Citizens United ruling, and expose the sources of power behind it.
Teachout will deliver two lectures during her visit. Both lectures are free and open to the public. On Thursday, Nov. 5, she will speak at 7:30 p.m. at the West Shore Unitarian Universalist Church, 20401 Hilliard Blvd. in Rocky River. She will speak again at noon on Nov. 6 at the Cleveland Marshall College of Law, 1801 Euclid Ave.
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Volume 7, Issue 20, Posted 10:14 AM, 10.20.2015
by Janice Patterson, League of Women Voters, Westlake/North Olmsted Chapter
In addition to the candidates for the Board of Education and the county and state issues, voters in the city of Westlake must decide on three municipal issues. Here is a brief explanation of the issues on the Westlake ballot for the Nov. 3 General Election.
Issue 116: This proposed charter amendment, if passed, will renew the existing 0.9 mill levy for five years to pay for salaries and other expenses of the Police and Fire departments of the City of Westlake.
Westlake voters first approved a tax levy to supplement police and fire personnel in 1966. This 0.9 mill levy was renewed in November 2011 for five years and thus is expiring. The levy proceeds are additional to expenditures made from the General Fund. In 2015, the City has used the levy funds to pay for seven police and seven fire personnel as well as related expenses. These levy monies cannot be used for capital equipment purchases. The total cost of safety forces makes up almost two-thirds of municipal budgets in Ohio’s cities. As Local Government Funds from the state have been cut, special-purpose levies (such as the one on Westlake’s ballot for decades) have been introduced in many communities in efforts to keep employment levels for police and firefighters at levels deemed necessary.
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Volume 7, Issue 19, Posted 8:46 AM, 10.06.2015
by Joe Kraft
My name is Joe Kraft and I am a candidate for Westlake School Board. My wife, Jacki, and I have been married over 22 years. We have lived in Westlake with our three sons since 1999. All three sons have been through Westlake City Schools, kindergarten through grade 12. What a wonderful experience for them and their parents! I want such an experience to continue for all.
I have been encouraged by many including my pastor to bring about positive change. Now seems to be the right time as my sons grow older and my life experiences lead me in the direction of school board. Those experiences include that of a director at a private, national, financial firm. As fiduciary and financial advisor, I review the balance sheets and budgets of corporations, foundations and families. I can do the same for the schools.
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Volume 7, Issue 19, Posted 8:46 AM, 10.06.2015
by Robert Stoll
I am Dr. Robert Stoll and I am running for the Westlake School Board.
I believe that a school board must be responsive and receptive to parents, staff, students and the community at large, encouraging an open dialog. The board must take input from all groups and weigh all the facts before making a decision.
A Board member is a trustee of the community that elects him or her. That Trustee must be accessible and willing to collaborate with all members of the community; that includes all District staff. Anyone that comes before the board has the right to be heard, not just to speak. A school board member must build public understanding, support and participation.
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Volume 7, Issue 19, Posted 8:45 AM, 10.06.2015
by Carol Winter
I’m Carol Winter and I am honored to have served Westlake students and our entire community as a member and past president of the Westlake Board of Education since 2008. Additionally, I’m humbled at the opportunity to work with the board and community for another four years to provide excellent educational programming for our students at a great value to our taxpayers!
A Westlake resident for 14 years, my husband, Kevin, and I are proud parents of Marty, a 2006 WHS graduate, and Gwynnie, a sophomore at WHS. My background in education includes experience as a teacher and principal. I am also a KSU doctoral candidate in educational administration.
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Volume 7, Issue 19, Posted 8:45 AM, 10.06.2015
by Carole Koscielny and Jean Seasholtz, League of Women Voters, Westlake/North Olmsted Chapter
It is less than a month until General Election Day, Nov. 3, and there are a number of steps voters need to take right away to be ready to cast their ballots.
Step 1: Make sure you are a registered voter. Oct. 5 was the last day to register, to change your registration to your new address, or to change your name in the voter rolls. The Cuyahoga County Board of Elections makes it easy for you to check your voting status online. Go to boe.cuyahogacounty.us and click on "Am I Registered?". While it's too late to register for the General Election, you may want to take this opportunity to register or update your registration information before the Primary Election on March 15, 2016.
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Volume 7, Issue 19, Posted 8:42 AM, 10.06.2015
by LWV observer Janice Patterson (Westlake/North Olmsted chapter)
This report is not an official statement of the League of Women Voters. Mayor Sutherland’s office prepares official minutes, which are posted on Bay Village’s website.
Present: Mayors Sutherland (Bay Village), Bobst (Rocky River), Clough (Westlake), Kennedy (North Olmsted), Patton (Fairview Park) and Summers (Lakewood)
Also present: Fiscal Officer Renee Mahoney; Cuyahoga County Director of Regional Collaboration Ed Kraus; Karlton Laster, staff assistant, Department of Regional Collaboration.
Westshore Enforcement Bureau (WEB): March and April financials were received.
RTA: Public Square traffic issues under study; project on target. Completion of new Brookpark station projected for 2016, in time for the Republican National Convention.
NOACA: Deer issues a “hot topic” in some communities. Grant awards to be made in June for Transportation for Livable Communities Initiative (TLCI) program. Rocky River and Fairview Park jointly applied for a planning grant in this program.
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Volume 7, Issue 10, Posted 9:42 AM, 05.19.2015
by Taylor Ieropoli
State Representative Nan Baker applauded the House passage of Amended Substitute House Bill 64, the biennial state budget bill that allocates funding to schools, community projects and government initiatives, as well as providing significant tax relief to all Ohioans and small businesses in the state.
As part of Am. Sub. House Bill 64, Ohioans will see a sizable tax cut totaling $1.2 billion over the biennium with a 6.3 percent across-the-board income tax reduction beginning this year, lowering the top rate to just under 5 percent.
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Volume 7, Issue 9, Posted 9:27 AM, 05.05.2015
by LWV observers Conda Boyd (Bay Village) and Kathy Kosiorek (Lakewood)
This report is not an official statement of the League of Women Voters. Mayor Sutherland’s office prepares official minutes, which are posted on Bay Village’s website.
Present: Mayors Sutherland (Bay Village), Bobst (Rocky River), Clough (Westlake), Kennedy (North Olmsted), Patton (Fairview Park), Summers (Lakewood)
Also present: Fiscal Officer Renee Mahoney; District 1 County Councilman Dave Greenspan; Donovan O'Neil (Ohio Auditor's Office); Mayor Greg Zilka (Avon Lake); Service Directors Scott Thomas (Bay Village) and Paul Quinn (Westlake); Fire Chiefs Chris Lyons (Bay Village), Jim Hughes (Westlake), Chris Huerner (Avon Lake), Tony Raffin (Fairview Park), and John Reese (North Ridgeville); Westshore Enforcement Bureau officials Jeff Capretto (Narcotics), Patrick Fiorelli (SWAT), and Gordie Polando (Hazmat); and Westshore Central Dispatch Center acting supervisor Ronald Barlowe.
Duration: 9:30 a.m.-11:15 a.m.; Mayor Patton excused herself at 10:40, before the WEB presentation.
RTA: Public Square bus stops are being relocated. Service interruptions due to ice have been a problem. The Board is wrapping up CEO Joseph Calabrese's periodic evaluation.
NOACA: External Affairs is doing legislative outreach. A lobbyist is working to obtain ODOT funds. ODOT recently shifted $1.7 million from other Metropolitan Planning Organizations' unfinished projects to reward NOACA for proven efficiency and efficacy. Mayor Summers noted that it is a challenge not only to put projects together, but also to complete them.
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Volume 7, Issue 6, Posted 9:43 AM, 03.17.2015
by Taylor Ieropoli
State Representative Nan Baker has been named the chairwoman of the Ohio House Economic and Workforce Development Committee for the 131st General Assembly.
"I am excited to again chair the Economic Development Committee with a focus on workforce training. Since I began my service at the Ohio House, creating an environment to retain, create and bring jobs to Ohio has always been our goal,” said Baker. “In this 131st General Assembly, we will also focus on encouraging our Ohioans to obtain the skills they need to obtain a good paying job."
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Volume 7, Issue 2, Posted 9:57 AM, 01.20.2015
by Mike West
It is now easier than ever to return your Vote by Mail ballot for the Nov. 4 General Election if you prefer to drop it off at the Board of Elections. There is a new drive-through ballot drop box. The drop box makes voting more accessible and convenient when returning voted ballots. It eliminates the need to find a place to park and walk to the building in inclement weather.
“The secure drive-through ballot drop box allows voters to deposit ballots at their convenience, any time, day or night. The ballot drop box was designed specifically for ballots and is monitored 24/7 by video surveillance, as well as checked and cleared out several times a day,” said Pat McDonald, director of the Board of Elections.
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Volume 6, Issue 22, Posted 9:42 AM, 10.28.2014